last week I was posed with the question, what is the story of my building? I felt lost and frustrated, because I did not know my story. the story was there, I just had to figure it out. The story dictates everything else. How my presentation is pieced together, what images, models, perspective I include. I began thinking of my story as penetration, how the location of my building fits into the site, how the the building penetrates the grid, and the relationship of how light enters my building. That did not seem right and then i thought perhaps "shifting" was my story, this explains the two main linear volumes of my building and how they insert themselves between the library and humanities building. Although my building does speak of shifting that is not my story. thinking back to my original design and my previous project i began to think of links that would tell the story of my building. these links dealt with continuity either spatially or in regard to materiality. how do these links connect back to the story of my addition. the addition is a translation or reinterpretation of the grid. the grid is the path of which my the form is generated from and the experience of moving through my building is dictated.

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