The map above is the first map which explores how to construct and represent a map as something reverseble, detachable, and modifiable and build it as a mix between a model and drawing. As I have perviouly stated in previous posts it explores the relationship between the irrationality of Mexico City and the rationality of the UNAM campus. I believe this is my most successful map and most fully developed. I was able to explore different representation of forms the different areas and transition space that resulted though the merging of different zones. This exploration will be a starting point for the rest of the design of the (other) library which we will be designing this semester.
Map 2, is a axonometric drawing that depicts the same area and concept as the first map. It is shown as a reverse figure ground, where the transition area that I explored in the first map become the volumes of focus. The volumes on the left are the open areas that exist within the campus and are scaled in relationship to the the height of the UNAM campus while the right side demonstrates how the transition area that exist between the irrationality and rationality is not contained to one specific spot but how these spaces are filtered into both the Mexico City side and the UNAM campus.
The last map, is created in a similar manner to the other two maps but is not related in consideration of the zone and concept explored in the first two. The concept is related to the pervious assignment, Boite-en-Valise/Boite a Miracle, and then related back to the UNAM campus in relationship the the zone where the library is located. The concept that I explored last project was anaylzing the facade of the library and extracting volumetric elements that I felt were promient, and pulling thoes element inside. I address the site of which the library sit on and addressed in the same manner. By pulling and pushing volumtric spaces.
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