Yesterday I presented my "book of water," our professor asked us to sit down read our book to the critics. If I were to read my book to you, it would go along the lines of; this is a story of the journey that a singular water droplet takes as it explores all different water forms that exist in its life. The story begins as mist or condensation from there a single droplet appears. More water droplets appear as it begins to rain, this is where you would probably run inside and take cover. As the rain intensifies puddles start to form on the ground and the rain takes a turn for the worst and it begins to hail. The hail starts to overflow into the rivers and streams, causing the water to gush in every direction. Larger pools of water appear from the overflow and ripples of rain encompass them. From the ripples comes a single droplet and transforms back to the mist. The cycle of the water droplet is complete but never ending, you can start the book again if you wish.
As I produced this final book, I continued to develop it further and to see how far I could push the manipulation of plastic water bottles to achieve the desired effect I was striving for. In this final production I used mostly plexi glass as its pages, by using sandpaper on the plexi I was able to produce a blurry effect, that produce translucent pages.
Although it was only about a week project I feel a strong connection to my book. I thoroughly enjoyed the entire process design process of the book, the ability to be extremely conceptual and the actually production of the book.
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